John Edward Cantrell (M.M., ‘02) has published The Saint Michael’s Psalter, the psalms of David set to modern harmony Anglican chant. His psalter brings the venerable tradition of Anglican chant into the 21st century by using harmony associated with jazz and other American roots music.
Josiah Hamill (M.M. organ ’18) was selected as one of The Diapason’s “20 Under 30” for 2021.
Paul Jacobs (M.M. organ ’02, A.D. ’03) contributed a listening guide about contemporary organ music to The Wall Street Journal.
Parker Kitterman (M.M. organ ’08) was named a winner of the King’s Singers New Music Prize for his SATB choir composition The Singing Bowl. You can read about it on the King’s Singers website.
Amanda Mole (M.M. organ ’11) was appointed assistant director of music and principal organist for St. Joseph Catholic Cathedral in Columbus, Ohio.
Adam Perez (M.A.R. ’16) is completing a doctor of theology in liturgical studies this spring at Duke Divinity School, where he studies the history of contemporary praise and worship, and will continue there in a postdoctoral program in the fall. Adam will be developing curricular programs in worship, teaching three classes over two years, and acting as a consultant on music and contemporary worship to the Divinity School’s Goodson Chapel.