(L to R)- Bryan Spinks, Teresa Berger, Martin Jean
Bryan Spinks Gives 2021 Kavanagh Lecture

Sleuthing Dorothy L. Sayers’ 1942 Address on Anglican Worship
A “Wimsey-cal” Detection of the Background and Context of the Text
Bryan Spinks, the Bishop F. Percy Goddard Professor of Liturgical Studies and Pastoral Theology, Yale University
The Aidan Kavanagh Lecture
Best known for her detective novels and religious plays, Dorothy L. Sayers was a “daughter of the vicarage.” The lecture explores the evidence in her letters and novels for her personal liturgical background and an immediate bibliographical source for her little-known 1942 lecture on Anglican Worship.

Prof. Teresa Berger introduces Bryan Spinks
Bryan Spinks
Bryan Spinks Kavanaugh Lecture