Yale Lectures in Late Antique and Byzantine Art and Architecture

Tuesday, August 8, 2023
New coin from Rob Nelson

Each year, the Institute of Sacred Music offers a series of Zoom lectures focusing on late antique and Byzantine art and architecture. In the 2023-24 academic year, seven lectures will cover a range of subjects from the glass mosaics of Byzantium, to women’s health, riverscapes, and eleventh century miniatures.

The Late Antique and Byzantine Art and Architecture lecture series at Yale is offered in collaboration with the Yale departments of Classics and the History of Art and is organized by Robert S. Nelson, the Robert Lehman Professor in the History of Art at Yale, and Vasileios Marinis, professor of Christian Art and Architecture at the ISM and Yale Divinity School.

Zoom lectures begin at 12 noon eastern time. Registration is required. You can register at any time to join a lecture. Your registration is valid for the whole series and you can attend as many as you like.  You will automatically receive reminders for the lectures.

Schedule of Talks