Welcome new staff member, Clifton Massey

The ISM is thrilled to announce the appointment of Clifton Massey to the new position of program manager, supporting the organ and church music programs of the Institute. Mr. Massey brings with him a wealth of experience both as professional singer and music administrator at Grace Cathedral, San Francisco and, most recently, Trinity Wall Street, where he is a core member of the GRAMMY nominated Trinity Choir. For nine years, he also managed the organ recital series of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco. He has sung countertenor in many of the nation’s premiere ensembles, including Chanticleer, TENET, Musica Sacra, Clarion Choir, and the Orpheus Chamber Singers. He also sings frequently with the Yale Choral Artists. Clifton’s solo appearances include performances with the American Classical Orchestra under Thomas Crawford, New York Baroque Incorporated under Wen Yang, American Bach Soloists under Jeffrey Thomas, the Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra under Nic McGegan, and the Washington Bach Consort under Dana Marsh.
Clifton holds the bachelor of music education from Texas Christian University and the master of music in early music vocal performance and choral conducting from the Indiana University Historical Performance Institute, and he has done post-graduate work in vocal pedagogy through Holy Names University in Oakland, California.
As program manager, Clifton’s primary responsibility will be to manage all musical and liturgical aspects of a new series of choral services sponsored by the Institute, to be held weekly during term time in regional churches and chapels for the general public. A new liturgical choir, made up of professional singers from the region, will sing at each service and will be conducted by Professor James O’Donnell. Clifton will also oversee the Great Organ Music at Yale series of six annual recitals and will manage other aspects of the program in organ and church music at ISM.