Yale Organ Academy 2024

The Institute of Sacred Music will hold the Yale Organ Academy from June 23-28, 2024 in New Haven, CT. This will be a unique and enriching educational opportunity for advanced undergraduate organ students to work with some of the nation’s top artists/teachers on the Yale University campus. For one week, they will receive daily lessons, participate in workshops on topics related to organ literature and church music, study on notable organs at Yale, and in New Haven and its environs, and will hear performances by faculty and each other in evening events. Students will encounter organ playing and teaching of the highest caliber and will meet their peers in other organ departments from around the country.
Any student who will be enrolled as a full-time undergraduate in 2024-25 or who has just graduated with the baccalaureate degree in 2024 is eligible to apply. Applicants must be 18 years old by the start of the Organ Academy term. You must be enrolled in organ study to apply, but you need not be a music major. Students apply online and submit references and recordings of their playing which will be reviewed by the Yale organ faculty. All decisions will be final.
- Lynne Davis, Witchita State University View bio
- Martin Jean, Yale University View bio
- Nicole Keller, The University of Michigan View bio
- Robert McCormick, Westminster Choir College View bio
- James O’Donnell, Yale University View bio
The following items are due by April 15, 2024:
- A completed online application form. Apply Here.
- Two letters of reference (one must be from your organ teacher). These letters should include the address and phone number of the referee.
- A high-quality recording of your playing made within the last calendar year. This should include at least three pieces of varying styles and historic periods, one of which is a work of J.S. Bach. The recording may or may not be from a live performance and must contain no edits within any given movement of the work you are playing.
- Repertoire list.
Students will be notified as to the status of their application as soon as possible.
Tuition and Fees
If selected for the Academy, a nonrefundable deposit of $75 will be due by April 30. Otherwise, all other tuition fees and costs for room and board are covered by the Institute of Sacred Music. Students will be paired with a roommate and housed in a residential college on campus where meals will also be served. Students are responsible for their own travel to campus and are expected to stay for the entire week.
For more information, please email Clifton Massey, manager for organ and church music programs at the Yale Institute of Sacred Music.