Church School Coordinator (Woodbury, CT)

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Organization Name: St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

Contact Email:

Salary Range: $10,000-$13,000 Commensurate with experience

Job Description: 

The Church School Coordinator serves the parish by fostering and growing the faith and spiritual formation of our children, kindergarten through sixth grade. We are looking for a creative, energetic individual who is committed to connecting the teachings of Jesus and the life of the church with the lives of children and families in our parish. The Coordinator works closely with the Rector, and will collaborate as needed with the Youth and Young Adult leaders, Acolyte Coordinator, Children’s Choir Program, and Nursery Program. Additionally, the Coordinator will support leadership development of parents and volunteers.

As with all staff and leadership at St. Paul’s, the Coordinator has a commitment to inclusivity and progressive Christian values, affirming diversity in terms of race, ethnicity, sexual identity and gender identity.

Our Church School runs from the 1st Sunday after Labor Day through the 2nd Sunday in June. Ideally, the Coordinator is available from mid-August to mid-June. Salary range is $10,000 - $13,000 for 10 months/43 weeks, commensurate with experience.

Link to organization website